Individuals who have been assaulted while using a rideshare service may be entitled to SIGNIFICANT Compensation
We'll handle everything from filing your claim to fighting for the highest possible settlement. Find Out if You Qualify Today!
Time is Limited - More than 250 people have already filed claims!
Rideshare settlement amounts are estimated to range from $25,000 to $300,000
Find Out if You Qualify
SIGNIFICANT Compensation May Be Available
Using a ride-share service is meant to be a safe and convenient way to get around, but incidents of sexual assault during these rides are more common than many realize. Uber’s safety report from 2019 revealed that nearly 6,000 sexual assaults, including hundreds of rapes, occurred between 2017 and 2018.
Likewise, Lyft’s 2021 safety report disclosed over 4,100 incidents of sexual assault, including numerous rapes, from 2017 to 2019. These cases involved both riders and drivers, ranging from unwanted touching to rape. Since a significant percentage of sexual assaults go unreported, the actual number of incidents may be far higher.
Victims of such assaults during ride-share trips may have the right to seek compensation through legal action against these companies.
Time is limited. Complete the form today to make sure you have the best chance to receive the justice you deserve.
Our team will call you as soon as possible to discuss how to get the settlement you deserve. This is completely free with no obligations.
Your attorney will fight for you to receive the highest possible compensation. There are no risks or up-front costs to you.
The lawsuits accuse these companies of failing to:
In the event, they win your case, your attorneys will receive a contingency fee based on the funds they recover to pay for costs.
You pay nothing unless you win.
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